Impressionism: 13 Artists Children Should Know
Presenting a variety of impressionist art, this inviting book shows young readers how painters from Claude Monet to John Singer Sargent introduced impressionist styles of painting and so changed the course of art. In this beautifully produced volume, young readers are given the opportunity to study masterpieces of Impressionist work in great detail. From Monet’s Impression, Sunrise, which is attributed to starting the movement, to Seurat’s pointillist masterpiece, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, each painting is reproduced on its own page with descriptive texts, biographical details of the artist, and entertaining facts. Along the way readers will learn the historic context of these paintings as well as a variety of artistic terms. The book also offers playful suggestions for creating Impressionist art at home or school as well as ideas that will help young readers appreciate why the Impressionist style was at once revolutionary and timeless.
Данные книги
Дега Эдгар, Синьяк Поль, Кайботт Гюстав, Моризо Берта, Кэссетт Мэри, Писсарро Камиль, Моне Клод, Hassam Childe, Ренуар Пьер Огюст, Сарджент Джон Сингер, Сёра Жорж, Мане Эдуард, Либерман Макс
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