The Nuclear Culture Source Book serves as an excellent resource and introduction to nuclear culture as one of the most prominent themes within contemporary art and society, exploring the diverse ways in which post‑Fukushima society has influenced artistic and cultural production. The book brings together contemporary art practices investigating the nuclear anthropocene, nuclear sites and materiality, along with important questions of radiological inheritance, nuclear modernity and the philosophical concept of radiation as a hyperobject. Building on four years of research into nuclear culture by the book's editor, Ele Carpenter, The Nuclear Culture Source Book features contributions by over 60 artists and accompanied by a series of essays by international writers.

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Jane + Louise Wilson, Ван Вик Питер К., Fairskye Merilyn, Шуппли Сьюзан, Такеда Шимпей, Паглен Тревор, The Otolith Group, Kennedy Bridget, Chim-Pom, Thomson + Craighead, Hashimoto Isao, Howse Martin, Mika Taanila & Jussi Eerola, SDP-AG, Уильямс Роберт, Grand Guignol Mirai, Тарбет Робин, Тайсон Алана, Орлов Уриэль, Уилсон Брайан Макговерн, Pyhajoki Case, Окли Крис, Grove-White Annie, Massart Cecile, Kawakubo Yoi, Ikeda Ai, Такеучи Кота, Kobayashi Erika, Lahire Sandra, Савараги Нои, Miyamoto Katsuhiro, Griffiths Dave, Ken & Julia Yonetani, Hollington & Kyprianou, Юиг Пьер, Crowe & Rawlinson, Acord James, Штреффен Изабелла, Lise Autogena & Johua Portway, McDonald Di, Уилсон Луиза К., Mabb David, Akagi Shuji, Hellstrom Hilda, Garonzi Giuliano, Berger Erich, Росс Моника, Саймон Тарин, Трейстер Сюзанна, Honda Eiko, emptyset, Dunlop Gair, Ногучи Такаши, Kramer Karen, Кляйн Ив, Broderick Mick, Jacobs Robert, Ruling Ohi, Gama Victor, Уоллер Марк Эриал, Hesse-Honegger Cornelia, Niwa Yoshinori, Hecht Gabrielle, Nina Fisher & Maroan el Sani, Мортон Тимоти, Lloyd-Jones Jessica, Вейер Энди, Фалкей Янави, Картье‑Брессон Анри, Lukasova Veronika, Grove-White Helen, Garnett Joy, Ева и Франко Маттес, Такекава Нобуаки

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Black Dog Publishing



Количество страниц

208 страниц



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705.1 2017

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