Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices
Since 1997 Representation has been the key go‑to textbook for students learning the tools to question and critically analyze institutional and media texts and images. This long‑awaited Second Edition includes an entirely new chapter on celebrity culture and personalisation, to debates about representation and democracy, and involve illustrations of an intertextual nature, cutting across various technologies and formats in which 'the real' or the authentic makes an appearance.
Данные книги
Гендерные исследования, Лингвистика, Литература, Массовая культура, Телевидение, Феминизм
Ball Vicky (Автор статьи), Nixon Sean (Автор статьи), Gledhill Christine (Автор статьи), Bonner Frances (Автор статьи), Evans Jessica (Автор статьи), Холл Стюарт (Автор статьи), Lidchi Henrietta (Автор статьи)
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