Radicals and Realists in the Japanese Nonverbal Arts: The Avant‑Garde Rejection of Modernism
Radicals and Realists is the first book to discuss Japan's avant‑garde artists, their work, and the historical environment in which they produced it during the two most creative decades of the twentieth century, the 1950s and 1960s. Many of the artists were radicals, rebelling against existing canons and established authority. Yet at the same time they were realists in choosing concrete materials, sounds, and themes from everyday life for their art and in gradually adopting tactics of protest or resistance through accommodation rather than confrontation. Radicals and Realists is based on extensive archival research; numerous concerts, performances, and exhibits; and exclusive interviews with more than fifty leading choreographers, composers, painters, sculptors, and critics active during those two innovative decades.
Данные книги
1950‑е, 1960‑е, Авангард, Активизм, Искусствознание и арт-критика, История ХХ века, Критика, Модернизм, Музыка, Перформанс, Политика, Политическое искусство, Скульптура, Современный танец, Япония
Гутай, Такигути Сюдзо, Фукузава Юкити, Секине Нобуо, Ли У Хван, Суга Кисио, Окамото Таро, Хидзиката Тацуми, Neo‑Dada Organizers, Zero Jigen, Исии Каору, Такэмицу Тору, Ацуги Бонджин, Хаяси Хикару, Hi‑Red Center, Такамацу Дзиро, Абэ Кобо, Аракава Сюсаку, Хонго Син, Кавара Он, Ямагути Кацухиро, Кацурагава Хироси, Домон Кэн, Имаи Тосимицу, Хаяси Такэси, Маюдзуми Тосиро, Ёсихара Дзиро, Мотонага Садамаса, Хидзиката Тэйити, Тэсигахара Софу, Итиянаги Тоси, Кейдж Джон, Акасегава Генпей, Наканиси Нацуюки
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