Spirit of India
The second book of “Ageless India” series which was conceived as a vibrant and energetic representation of India, manifesting images of her past and present, her remarkable and infinite civilisation with its endless layers of diversity. National Museum, New Delhi, houses an impressive collection of over 210,000 artifacts representing 5,000 years of Indian art and craftsmanship. The collection includes sculpture in stone, bronze, terracotta and wood, a large collection of miniature paintings and manuscripts, coins, arms and armour, jewellery, textile, costumes and anthropological objects. The notebook features 53 objects from the National Museum and presents some basic information about each. Every page meets you with an extraordinary object from the past.
Данные книги
Графика, Дизайн и декоративно‑прикладное искусство, Индия, Искусствознание и арт-критика, Скульптура
136 страниц
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709.4 Инд
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