Art and Engagement in Early Postwar Japan
Justin Jesty’s book reframes the history of art and its politics in Japan post‑1945. This cultural history addresses our broad understanding of the immediate postwar era moving toward the Cold War and subsequent consolidations of political and cultural life. Jesty delves into an examination of the relationship between art and politics that approaches art as a mode of intervention, but he moves beyond the idea that the artwork or artist unilaterally authors political significance to trace how creations and expressive acts may (or may not) actually engage the terms of shared meaning and value.
Данные книги
1940‑е, Государственная политика в области искусства, Живопись, Искусствознание и арт-критика, Кинематограф, Политика, Скульптура, Фотография, Япония
Мицуко Табэ, Сакураи Таками, Кикухата Мокума, Ёсимото Такааки, Сэнда Умедзи, Ямасита Кикудзи, Икэда Тацуо, Maruki Iri and Toshi, Утида Ивао, Мита Генджиро, Такаяма Рёсаку, Накамура Хироси, Кацурагава Хироси, Хани Сусуму, Сайто Такако, Миядзаки Джунносукэ, Ямаути Джутаро
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