Money, Trains, and Guillotines: Art and Revolution in 1960s Japan
The book is dedicated to the art groups Neo‑Dada Organizers and the Hi‑Red Center, which emerged in Japan in the early 1960s. Marotti examines their political art, and the state's aggressive response to it. Focusing on the annual Yomiuri Indépendant exhibition, with played an important role in the emergence of postwar avant‑garde and contemporary art, on the Akasegawa Genpei's work, Marotti demonstrates how artists came together in a playful but powerful critical art, triggering judicial and police response. The book contains a chronology of select events and bibliography.
Данные книги
1960‑е, Активизм, Искусствознание и арт-критика, Перформанс, Политическое искусство, Революция, Япония
Акасегава Генпей, Наканиси Нацуюки, Neo‑Dada Organizers, Hi‑Red Center
418 страниц
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709.4 Япо
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