Kateřina Štenclová
Kateřina Štenclová is one of the few Czech artists who systematically and almost exclusively deal with abstract painting. Its main means of expression are pure color, the relationships of geometric and organic surfaces, the painting gesture and the shape of the painting mat. It also marginally touched on the issue of monochrome painting or the relationship of painting and architecture. After the expressive beginnings of the late 1980s, her painting gesture has lost its character and works mostly with large areas of pure colors. A breakthrough for the artist was her exhibition in the New Hall in 1994, where she presented a series of canvases and each with only two or three parallel colored stripes. The paintings were installed in an irregular row next to each other and together they created a single painting installation.
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Абстрактное искусство, Архитектура, Живопись, Инсталляция, Минимализм, Чехия
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