Eco‑Visionaries: Art, Architecture, and New Media after the Anthropocene
Eco‑Visionaries surveys contemporary positions in art and architecture addressing environmental problems beyond mainstream notions of sustainability. This comprehensive volume is a companion to the collaborative 2018 exhibition staged by four participating European museums. Each show maintains a different focus and curatorial approach, and for each, artists investigate more sustainable approaches toward humankind's place on earth, through video and sound works, paintings and installations. While the series of exhibitions presents the works of artists and architects who offer critical reflections on pressing contemporary issues, the book unites research, essays and the artworks. Besides the historical antecedents of current ecological thinking in art and design, this catalog also promotes alternative visions for future uses of energy, resources and the environment.
Данные книги
Архитектура, Дизайн и декоративно‑прикладное искусство, Инсталляция, Медиа‑арт, Перформанс, Фотография, Экология
Gadanho Pedro (Автор вступительной статьи), Демос Т. Дж. (Автор статьи), Волкарт Ивонн (Автор статьи), Fuller Matthew (Автор статьи), Ohlenschlager Karin (Автор статьи), Johansson Sofia (Автор статьи), Pierre Katarina (Автор статьи), Weintraub Linda (Автор статьи), Himmelsbach Sabine (Автор статьи), Andraos Amale (Автор статьи), Pestana Mariana (Автор статьи)
Magdy Basim, ХеХе, Хаапоя Терике, Semiconductor, Биман Урсула, knowbotiq, Baggenstos/ Rudolf, Maria Castellanos and Alberto Valverde, Maes Anne Marie, Veillat Aline, Smite Rasa, Smits Raitis, Palacios Juanjo, Maeder Marcus, Эспарса Хилберто, Джордан Крис, Молл Джоана, Caycedo Carolina, Потрч Марьетица, Sjodin Erik, Leena and Oula A. Valkeapaa, Poturier Samuel, Vister Elin Mar Oyen, Yoldas Pinar, Аршам Дэниел, Unknown Fields Division, Суперфлекс, Ginsberg Alexandra Daisy, Superuse, The Living, Frank Regina, Гринфорт Туе, Papamargariti Eva, Soares Miguel, Рам Филипп, Римини Протокол, Herregraven Femke, Ове Зак, Hayoun Nelly Ben, Шоу Джереми, Маркес Педро Невис, Таварес Паоло, BIG, MVRDV, Jaque Andres, Gerrard John, Malka Architecture, Fargas Joaquin, Сарацено Томас, Aerocene Foundation, Newton & Helen Mayer Harrison, Rita Wasted, Кинтера Криштоф, Parsons & Charlesworth, Вас Ана, Бера Тристан, Kahiu Wanuri
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