Allora and Calzadilla: Stop, Repair, Prepare. Variations on “Ode to Joy” for a Prepared Piano
The official anthem of the European Union, heard at numerous political, cultural and public sporting events, is the “Ode to Joy” melody from the last movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, “a true 'empty signifier' that can stand for anything,” begins noted theorist Slavoj Zizek in his essay for this well-designed artist's book in which the American and Cuban Conceptual artist collaborators Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla present their reflections on this ubiquitous masterwork. Modified classical instruments, scribbled musical notations, Nazi concerts, historical Turkish musical groups, the pope, Communist propaganda and other archival images are used to great effect.
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Инсталляция, Куба, Музыка, Перформанс, Политическое искусство, США, Фотография
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