Erik Parker: Colorful Resistance
Erik Parker is an American painter inspired by underground comics, graffiti, hip-hop, noise music, and conspiracy theories, as well as the art of Picasso, Bacon, and Basquiat. Erik Parker: Colorful Resistance presents his intense compositions, originating from word clusters, viscera-like forms, and animated figurines that represent the critical mass of social movements. Parker’s work is an attempt to provide an overall take on the most pressing issues of the day through aggressively youthful and rebellious fast-paced mark-making, compositional intensity, strident colors, and an anti-authoritarian approach to established ideologies.
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Анимация, Иллюстрация, Комиксы, графические новеллы, Уличное искусство, граффити, стрит-арт
Стиф Анджела (Автор статьи), Кавс (Автор статьи), Рамирес‑Монтагут Моника (Автор статьи), Паркер Эрик (Автор статьи)
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- Francis Bacon. Catalogue raisonné. Volume III. 1958–19712016