The Voice Between: The Art and Poetry of Yoshimasu Gozo
This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition held at The National Museum Modern Art, Tokyo in 2016. “Yoshimasu is one of contemporary Japan’s preeminent poets. But Yoshimasu’s activities are not limited to books of poetry. He has also produced works in a variety of genres, including radical poetry readings, multiple-exposure photography, objects such as copper sheets engraved with writing, and films that are reminiscent of road movies. Yoshimasu has been widely acclaimed as a ‘whole-body poet’, leading in this case to a museum exhibition” — excerpted from foreword. Includes Japanese and English texts by Hosaka Kenjiro, Sasaki Ataru, Homma Takashi and Asabuki Mariko, interviews of Yoshimoto Takaaki and Yoshimasu Gozo in 1997 and 2007, artist biography, colour plates of his works ranging from diaries, cassette tapes, copper sheets, photographs, film works, manuscripts etc. Two accompanying audio discs titled 'Voice Notebooks' are also available at the archive (please ask staff for assistance).
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Homma Takashi (Автор статьи), Ёсимасу Годзо (Автор статьи), Ёсимото Такааки (Автор статьи), Sasaki Ataru (Автор статьи), Asabuki Mariko (Автор статьи)
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