Early Cinema: Space, Frame, Narrative
In the twenty years preceding the First World War, cinema rapidly developed from a fairground curiosity into a major industry and social institution, a source of information and entertainment for millions of people. Only recently have film scholars and historians begun to study these early years of cinema in their own right and not simply as first steps towards the classical narrative cinema we now associate with Hollywood. The essays in this collection trace the fascinating history of how the cinema developed its forms of storytelling and representation and how it evolved into a complex industry with Hollywood rapidly acquiring a dominant role. These issues can be seen to arise from new readings of the so-called pioneers — Melies, Lumiere, Porter, and Griffith — while also suggesting new perspectives on major European filmmakers of the 1910s and 20s. Editor Thomas Elsaesser complements the contributions from leading British, American, and European scholars with introductory essays of his own that provide a comprehensive overview of the field.
Данные книги
Эльзессер Томас (Автор вступительной статьи), Баркер Адам (Автор вступительной статьи), Цивьян Юрий (Автор статьи), Staiger Janet (Автор статьи), Бёрчь Ноэль (Автор статьи), Гансен Мириам (Автор статьи), Омон Жак (Автор статьи), Fullerton John (Автор статьи), Hunt Leon (Автор статьи), Salt Barry (Автор статьи), Gaudreault Andre (Автор статьи), Bellour Raymond (Автор статьи), Brewster Ben (Автор статьи), Ганнинг Том (Автор статьи), Vaughan Dai (Автор статьи), deCordova Richard (Автор статьи), Bottomore Stephen (Автор статьи), Musser Charles (Автор статьи), Chanan Michael (Автор статьи), Loughney Patrick G. (Автор статьи), Brownlow Kevin (Автор статьи), Friedberg Anne (Автор статьи)
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