The works in Animations endow unlikely objects with unexpected and uncanny life. During its century-plus history, animation has continually absorbed, hybridized, mutated and melded disciplines and techniques, undergoing both commercial exploitation and artistic exploration. The latter is documented here, focusing on the cross-continental exchange of artists from around the world who are dialoguing in the collective languages of animation. 28 artists are featured here, including Haluk Akakce, Francis Alys, William Kentridge, Kristen Lucas, Pierre Huyghe, Liam Gillick and Liliana Porter, demonstrating the unique ways in which contemporary visual practitioners address animation as a medium and subject. This catalogue is published to accompany the exhibition Animations, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, a MoMA affiliate, New York October 14, 2001 — January 13, 2002; Kunst-Werke, KW — Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, February 8, 2003 — April 6, 2003.
Данные книги
Бизенбах Клаус (Автор статьи), Кристов‑Бакарджиев Каролин (Автор статьи), Хюберман Энтони (Автор статьи), Harris Larissa (Автор статьи), Klein Norman M. (Автор статьи), Canemaker John (Автор статьи), Bendazzi Giannalberto (Автор статьи), Riegel Karyn (Автор статьи)
Алюс Франсис, Henwood Simon, Монк Джонатан, Pahlsson Sven, Блэйк Джереми, Кентридж Уильям, Perlin Jenny, Yasinsky Karen, Юиг Пьер, Акакче Халук, Marks Melissa, Fairhurst Angus, Паррено Филипп, Ортега Дамиан, Ланг Лиана, Портер Лилиана, Гиллик Лиам, Харт Клаудия, Ахвеш Пегги
192 страницы
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