Space (Re)Solutions: Intervention and Research in Visual Culture
The rapid changes currently taking place in our urban, political and institutional environments have shifted spatial practice to centre stage both in civic life and academic research. Social networking, political projects, cross-border movements, artistic interventions, urban and environmental initiatives, self-organised educational practices — all articulate the challenges involved in organising the spaces we share. In this volume, visual culture scholars from around the world discuss the “practical turn” in different fields of critical engagement, proposing fresh ways to assert an interpenetrated space of research and intervention.
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Эгерманн Ева (Автор статьи), Bouman Margot (Автор статьи), Милевска Сузана (Автор статьи), Florencio Joao (Автор статьи), Sirbegovic Amila (Автор статьи), Nierhaus Irene (Автор статьи), Garcia Matthew (Автор статьи), Reisinger Karin (Автор статьи), Zerzer Nada (Автор статьи), Красный Элке (Автор статьи), Эндрюс Хорелла (Автор статьи), Freudmann Eduard (Автор статьи), Marjanovic Ivana (Автор статьи), Rodney Lee (Автор статьи)
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