Warriors of Art: A Guide to Contemporary Japanese Artists
The book is devoted to Japanese contemporary art. It introduces forty of the latest and most relevant contemporary Japanese artists, from painters and sculptors, to photographers and performance artists, with lavish full‑color spreads of their key works. Author Yumi Yamaguchi offers an introduction to the main themes of each artist, and builds up a portrait of the society that has given birth to them: a Japan that still bears the scars of atomic destruction, a Japan with a penchant for the cute and the childish, a Japan whose manga and anime industries have come to dominate the world.
Данные книги
Видео, Графика, Живопись, Инсталляция, Искусствознание и арт-критика, Скульптура, Фотография, Япония
176 страниц
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709.4 Япо
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