Art, Space, Ecology: Two Views‑Twenty Interviews
In Art, Space, Ecology, internationally renowned curator and critic John K. Grande interviews twenty major contemporary artists whose works engage with the natural environment. Whether their medium is sculpture, nature interventions, performance, body art, or installation, these discussions, complemented by eighty stunning photographs, reveal the artists' diverse backgrounds and methods, expressions and realizations.Ultimately, the natural world serves as a canvas to explore the intersections of art, space, and the environment, thereby raising questions about our relationship with landscape itself. The essence of the art form is a dynamic interactivity, and the dialogues between Grande and the artists mirror the encounter of object and environment, artist and audience, society and nature. This work is rounded out with an engaging introduction by writer and curator Edward Lucie‑Smith, who sets the stage for some of the most insightful and compelling discussions on art to be found.
Данные книги
Бразилия, Германия, Инсталляция, Интервью, Лэнд‑арт, Перформанс, Природа, Скульптура, Фотография, Экология
Симпсон Бастер, Бут Крис, Newton & Helen Mayer Harrison, Ягуланаас Майкл Николл, Нильс-Удо, Мах Дэвид, Овалле Пилар, Полидори Роберт, Lise Autogena & Johua Portway, Тейлор Джейсон де Кайрос, Андерссон Як-Эрик, Хатчинсон Питер, Сонфист Алан, Ким Хэсим, Оппенхайм Деннис, Мейзел Дэвид, Оливейра Энрике, Шейн Милош, Вальде Пол
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