Culture and Economy After the Cultural Turn
Traditionally social science treated culture as a peripheral issue, but the last twenty years have witnessed a cultural turn throughout the social sciences. Culture is now at the core of debate. Culture and Economy After the Cultural Turn examines the impact of the cultural turn for the social sciences in relation to the decline of interest in economic aspects of society. It presents a number of responses to the changing relationship between culture and economy, and to the way in which the cultural turn has sought to understand it. Contributors from a wide range of disciplines present differing views oon these matters in relation to issues of political sensibilities and movements, equality and recognition, `cultural management', class, ethnicity and gender, and cultural values.
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Fenton Steve (Автор статьи), O'Neill John (Автор статьи), Szerszynski Bronislaw (Автор статьи), Томпсон Пол (Автор статьи), Keat Russell (Автор статьи), Трифт Найджел (Автор статьи), Findlay Patricia (Автор статьи), Martell Luke (Автор статьи), Evans Mary (Автор статьи), Брэдли Харриет (Автор статьи), Ray Larry (Автор статьи), Sayer Andrew (Автор статьи)
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