Photography: Theoretical Snapshots
Over the past twenty-five years, photography has moved to centre-stage in the study of visual culture and has established itself in numerous disciplines. This trend has brought with it a diversification in approaches to the study of the photographic image. Photography: Theoretical Snapshots offers exciting perspectives on photography theory today from some of the world’s leading critics and theorists. It also addresses the question of photography history, revisiting the work of some of the most influential theorists such as Roland Barthes, Walter Benjamin, and the October group, re-evaluating the neglected genre of the carte-de-visite photograph, and addressing photography’s wider role within the ideologies of modernity. The collection opens with an introduction by the editors, analyzing the trajectory of photography studies and theory over the past three decades and the ways in which the discipline has been constituted.
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Welch Edward (Автор вступительной статьи), Long J.J. (Автор вступительной статьи), Noble Andrea (Автор статьи), Зуромскис Катрин (Автор статьи), Smith Shawn Michelle (Автор статьи), Tagg John (Автор статьи), Edwards Elizabeth (Автор статьи), Dennis Kelly (Автор статьи), Прециози Дональд (Автор статьи), Бэтчен Джеффри (Автор статьи), Kaplan Louis (Автор статьи)
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