A Pocket History of 20th-Century Chinese Art
A landmark text for novices and scholars alike, Pocket History of 20th‑Century Chinese Art presents Lü Peng's comprehensive and definitive account of Chinese art in a new, more portable format. The nation's foremost art expert traces the accelerated development of Chinese art in the last century, tackling its emergence not only in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, but also in such important expat centers as Paris and Tokyo. Offering the same unprecedented scope and detail as the larger edition, this scaled‑down volume guides the reader through the transformation of a visual culture that today sits at the helm of contemporary innovation. As the Chinese economic age dawns, the art that has emerged over the course of that nation's turbulent rise reveals a complex evolution with broad cultural implications.
Данные книги
Биеннале и другие регулярные выставки современного искусства, Видеоарт, Живопись, Искусствознание и арт-критика, История ХХ века, История выставок, Китай, Модернизм, Фотография
Линь Фэнмянь, Максимов Контантин, Луи Шоу Кван, Мао Сюйхуэй, Гу Вэньда, У Шаньчжуань, Сюй Бин, Хуан Юнпин, Чжан Пэйли, Лю Сяодун, Лю Цзинин, Ван Гуанъи, Цю Чжицзе, Чжан Сяоган, Хай Бо, Хань Лей, Лю Чжэн, Цуй Сювень, Чжоу Чунья, Инь Сючжэнь, Чжао Банди
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709.4 Кит
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