New Human, New Housing. Architecture of the New Frankfurt 1925–1933
The book is devoted to an unprecedented programme of architectural and cultural renewal that was established in the German city of Frankfurt am Main in the 1920s. This scheme became inscribed in cultural history under the name “The New Frankfur”. Under the city's lord mayor, Ludwig Landmann, and chief municipal planning officer, Ernst May, the ideas of the Modern Movement took shape. In the first part of the book, essays shed light on the cultural background of the New Frankfurt initiative, provide insights into the context of the work of its many proponents, trace the end and after‑effects of the scheme, and sketch out the current situation in the housing market. In the second part, richly illustrated short texts explore the main themes of the programme, as well as its most important estates and buildings, to provide an overview of the New Frankfurt phenomenon. Each featured object includes the address and information on public transport links, inviting readers oh a tour of Frankfurt's modernist heritage.
Данные книги
1920‑е, 1930‑е, Архитектура, Германия, Локальный контекст, Модернизм, Урбанистика и градостроительство
228 страниц
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