Low Form: Imaginaries and Visions in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
The new aesthetics and visual imaginaries opened up by contemporary technological advance are explored through several points of view. Today’s artistic practices are put in relation both with a deeper historical perspective connecting past, present and future, and with a larger cultural debate. The essay by the project’s curator Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Low Form. From Sur‑realism to Sim‑realism, introduces the conceptual basis of the project and the relation between historical Surrealism and the current universe of simulation. Nora Khan, with her Notes on Disassociative Systems, explores the mechanisms of contemporary artistic expression enabled by computational systems. Eleonora Farina delves into the specific languages of the artists included in the exhibition, while Giulia Bini presents the conceptual framework of the rich anthology of texts in the book, shaping the debate on technologies and artificial intelligence in the artistic and cultural field. The publication also includes a series of visual projects by the artists in the exhibition, presenting a variety of visions and imaginaries. This catalogue was published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the MAXXI, Rome from October 20, 2018 till February 24, 2019.
Данные книги
2010‑е, Графика, Живопись, Инсталляция, Коллаж, Медиа‑арт, Скульптура
Меландри Джованна (Автор вступительной статьи), Пьетромарки Бенедетто (Автор статьи), Кхан Нора (Автор статьи), Фарина Элеонора (Автор статьи), Бини Джулия (Автор статьи), Пьетромарки Бартоломео (Автор статьи)
Nissinen Ниссинен, Паглен Тревор, Польска Агнешка, Рафман Джон, Сенни Лоренцо, Сингер Эйвери, Уаймен Джемайма, Тревизани Лука, Удденберг Анна, Ваварелла Эмилио, Pakui Hardware, Thompson Cheyney, Блас Зак, Ченг Ян, Эванс Сесиль Б., Джулиано‑Виллани Джемиан, Меллорс Натаниэль
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