Programs and manifestoes on 20th‑century architecture
Nearly every important development in the modern architectural movement began with the proclamation of these convictions in the form of a program or manifesto. The most influential of these are collected here in chronological order from 1903 to 1963. Taken together, they constitute a subjective history of modern architecture; compared with one another, their great diversity of style reveals in many cases the basic differences of attitude and temperament that produced a corresponding divergence in architectural style.
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Ар-нуво, модерн, югендстиль, Архитектура, Баухауз, Германия, США, Урбанистика и градостроительство, Франция
Райт Фрэнк Ллойд, Гропиус Вальтер, Мис ван дер Роэ Людвиг, Фуллер Ричард Бакминстер, Ле Корбюзье
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