Dakar, Mamadou Gomis — Berlin, Simone Gilges
Each week one photograph — that was the idea and form behind a photographic dialogue between the artist Simone Gilges from Berlin and the photojournalist Mamadou Gomis from Dakar.
For three years, from 2008 to 2011, they exchanged one photo per week via the Internet: Each picture was a formal or thematic reaction to the previous one. The result of this exchange is a voyage of discovery to two countries and two cultures, and also the everyday lives of the two photographers. They present a diverse portrait of their own country, and their pictures comment on their own lives and the lives of each other. This exchange project led to the book “Dakar/Berlin”.
Данные книги
Африка, Германия, Интервью, Исследования повседневности, Фотография
Мур Эльке оз дем (Автор статьи), Ниман Кэролайн (Автор статьи), Клагес Кристиан (Автор статьи)
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