Robotnicy opuszczają miejsca pracy/ Workers Leaving the Workplace
The book Workers leaving the Workplace was created in connection with the exhibition of the same title, which took place at the Museum of Art in Łódź in 2010. The publication consists of texts by Joanna Sokołowska, Diedrich Diederichsen, Maurizio Lazzarato and Jan Sowa. The problems they address relate to the relationship between art and modern changes in production, and the transformation of work from the perspective of sociology and philosophy. The book contains a chapter entitled “Artists at Work”. Joanna Sokołowska, the curator of the exhibition, asked the artists who took part in it, which means for them the slogan “artist at work” taken from the famous work of Mladen Stilinović. In this part of the publication we will find interviews with the artists participating in the exhibition, but also their visual essays and texts related to the given question.
Данные книги
Видеоарт, Инсталляция, Интервью, Перформанс, Польша, Социология, Философия, Фотография
Дидериксен Дидрих (Автор статьи), Лаццарато Маурицио (Автор статьи), Keser Ivana (Автор статьи), Tapia Viviane de (Автор статьи), Сова Ян (Автор статьи), Jaros Peter (Автор статьи), Соколовская Иоанна (Автор статьи), Фароки Харун (Автор статьи), Роттенберг Мика (Автор статьи)
Schwinger Philippe, Стилинович Младен, Vetter Ingo, Jaros Peter, Пиллер Петер, Мулен Жан‑Люк, Moser Frederic, Тюдор Флорин, Скарт, Erhardt Harun, Рослер Марта, Янг Хэгуэ, Буйновский Рафал, Жмиевский Артур, Казма Али, Симон Янек, Роттенберг Мика, Ватаману Мона, Dziadkiewicz Roman
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705.1 2010
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