The Collected Essays and Criticism, Volume 1: Perceptions and Judgments, 1939–1944

Clement Greenberg (1909–1994), champion of abstract expressionism and modernism-of Pollock, Miró, and Matisse-has been esteemed by many as the greatest art critic of the second half of the twentieth century, and possibly the greatest art critic of all time. On radio and in print, Greenberg was the voice of “the new American painting,” and a central figure in the postwar cultural history of the United States. Greenberg first established his reputation writing for the Partisan Review, which he joined as an editor in 1940. He became art critic for the Nation in 1942, and was associate editor of Commentary from 1945 until 1957. His seminal essay, “Avant-Garde and Kitsch” set the terms for the ongoing debate about the relationship of modern high art to popular culture. Though many of his ideas have been challenged, Greenberg has influenced generations of critics, historians, and artists, and he remains influential to this day.

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О'Брайан Джон


Георге Штефан, Mocharniuk Nicolas, Фридман Арнольд, Писсарро Камиль, Хомер Уинслоу, Коро Жан‑Батист Камиль, Сезанн Поль, Harari Hananiah, Guerard Albert, Базиотис Уильям, Люксембург Роза, Zabriskie George, Челищев Павел, Eilshemius Louis, Корнелл Джозефф, Vail Laurence, Berman Eugene, Поллок Пол Джексон, Ревалд Джон, Уокер Джон, Грис Хуaн, Martins Maria, Quintanilla Luis, Posada Jose Guadaloupe, Делакруа Эжен, Douglas Langton, Миро Жоан, Jarrell Randall, Лам Вифредо, Fausett William Dean, Ван Гог Винсент, Thurber James, Bellow Saul, Да Винчи Леонардо, Марин Джон, Viereck Peter, Brown Harry, Austin Darrel, Seghers Anna, Колдер Александр, Кирико Джорджо де, Берчфилд Чарльз, Malaquais Jean, Эйкинс Томас Каупертуэйт, Клее Пауль, Wheelwright John, Гуггенхайм Пегги, Шагал Марк, Фейнингер Лионель, Тоби Марк, Кандинский Василий, Брехт Бертольт, Barker George, Вламинк Морис де, Массон Андре, Laughlin James, Mellquist Jerome, Флэнаган Джон, Avery Milton, Fredenthal David, Хартли Марсден, Леже Фернан, Burke Kenneth, Стейг Уильям, Дэвис Стюарт, Дерен Андре, Regler Gustav, Ратнер Абрахам, Мазервелл Роберт, Tunnard John, Grohmann Will, Бэкон Пегги, Грейвс Моррис

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Чикаго, Иллинойс


The University of Chicago Press



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