2017 California‑Pacific Triennial: Building As Ever
This book extends the conversation at OMCA's 2017 Cal‑Pac Triennial by featuring the artwork of 25 innovative artists working in California and the Pacific Rim. This book includes drawing, photography, sculpture, and installation as well as performance and socially engaged work. Creatively conceived as an extension of the triennial itself, the book uses a modular system of graphics and typography that reflects the exhibition's themes. Illustrated essays provide a deeper understanding of how the contemporary built environment affects human experience.
Данные книги
Архитектура, Графика, Инсталляция, Перформанс, США, Скульптура, Фотография
Smith Todd D. (Автор вступительной статьи), Cruz Teddy (Автор статьи), Коблентц Кассандра (Автор статьи), Yang Yang (Автор статьи), Форман Фонна (Автор статьи), Crisman Jonathan (Автор статьи)
Nguyen Trong Gia, Popp Nancy, Cardenas Leyla, Koumoundouros Olga, Quinteros Pilar, Bomford Cedric, Cortez Beatriz, Mihalyo Daniel, Moran Ronald, Ван Вей, Borja Santiago, Kimura Yuki, Han Annie, Asselin Michele, Fernandez Patricia, Lotenero Renee, Roberts Bryony, Slade Alex, Янг Хэгуэ, Lyle Cybele, Ehrlich Ken, Super Critical Mass, Cruz Teddy, Форман Фонна, Cornejo Cesar, Argote Carmen
144 страницы
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705.1 2017
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