From land art and earthworks in the 1960s to conceptual art of the new millennium, ecology-focused art has been a prominent genre in the art world for decades. This book offers a look into the recent explosion in contemporary art that deals directly with nature, the environment, climate change, and ecology. Organized into six thematic chapters, Art & Ecology Now moves through the various levels of artists’ engagement, from those who document and reflect on nature, to those who use the physical environment as the raw material for their art, and committed activists who set out to make art that transforms both our attitudes and our habits. More than 300 color illustrations feature the work of over 90 artists, including Allora & Calzadilla, Edward Burtynsky, Tue Greenfort, Hans Haacke, Eva Jospin, Nadav Kander, Yao Lu, David Maisel, Gustav Metzger, Svetlana Ostapovici, Nyaba Leon Ouedraogo, Berndnaut Smilde, and more.

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Beltra Daniel, Dijkman Marjolijn, Хольтен Кэти, Blumenfeld Erika, Haubitz+Zoche, Стернфелд Джоэл, Дёрджес Сьюзен, Джеррам Люк, Нойеншвандер Риван, Turnbull Alison, Fairnington Mark, Аллора и Кальсадилья, Полли Андреа, Ouedraogo Nyaba Leon, Джеремидженко Натали, Dextras Nicole, Neichbourhood Satellites, Yao Lu, Эке Брайт Угочукву, Агарвал Рави, Макипаа Теа, Мейзел Дэвид, Рааф Сабрина, Балленджи Брэндон, Baily, Corby & Mackenzie, United Visual Artists, Алвес Мария Тереза, Tan Tattfoo, Суперфлекс, Кандер Надав, Best Suky, Рури, Rigo 23, Друри Крис, Симпсон Бастер, Хоканссон Хенрик, Лю Болин, Heather Ackroyd & Dan Harvey, Curtis Layla, Ostapovici Svetlana, Simparch, Bell Vaughn, Mosher Eve, Гринфорт Туе, ХеХе, Сюзанна Сейлор и Эдвард Моррис, Эпштейн Митч, Weber Klaus, Knowles Tim, Смилде Бернднаут, Toland Alexandra Regan, Randerson Janine, Lise Autogena & Johua Portway, Джордан Крис, Heather & Ivan Morison, Futurefarmers, N55, Старлинг Саймон, Hayes Paula, The Canary Project, Martins Edgar, Здравич Андрей, Баклэнд Дэвид, Патерсон Кэти, Scheruebl Wilhelm, Lecca Chiara, Collier Brian, Lucy & Jorge Orta, Duran Alejandro, Жоспен Ева, Draper Simon, Альмарсеги Лара, Норман Нильс, Preemptive Media, Ирланд Базия, Carroll Mary Ellen, Балкин Эми, Костелло Мэтт, Free Soil, Флейшман Дирк, Берковиц Лорен, Акен Бенуа, Хаэг Фриц

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