Contemporary Jewelry Design
Contemporary Jewelry Design showcases over 40 designers from around the world, from established names in jewelry design to less-known rising stars, whose work embodies the diverse production techniques and design concepts that define modern jewelry. The projects go beyond the everyday expectations of jewelry to the realm of wearable art, used not just as adornment but as pieces that interpret feelings or ideas, tell stories, or express emotions. The book features interviews with designers as well as stunning photography of their pieces, and traces the projects through the design, research, and experimental stages all the way to the realization of the finished product. The projects in Contemporary Jewelry Design will encourage readers to approach design from new perspectives, and expand their creative horizons with inspiration from the very best of contemporary jewelry.
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Xiao Liu (Автор вступительной статьи), Пуман Ли (Автор статьи), Astfalck Jivan (Автор статьи)
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746 Xia
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