Reclaim, Recode, Reinvent. Urban Art and Activism in Eastern Europe
The book focuses on artistic practices in the urban public spaces of Eastern Europe, particularly in the so-called post-Soviet bloc. Public spaces are seen as indicators of society’s democratization, as well as places where the interests of business, government and grassroots initiatives intersect, often in tension with one another.
This collection contains illustrations inspirations and descriptions of urban art projects that were presented in 2017 in exhibitions, conferences and laboratories of the Coordinate System platform. The book is giving a colorful insight in public artistic practices in post-Soviet urban environments.
Данные книги
Cornell Hanna, Филатов Артём, Valkovsky Anton, Найо Аннамарио, Плохова Дарья, Семёнова Кристина, Поносов Игорь, Попова Йованка, Nenko Alexandra, Metasitu Collective, Wabik Artur, Foromozov Alexander, Портянникова Александра
144 страницы
Доступ по запросу
705.2 2017
- Эхо экспрессионизма2019
- Квадратный метр2015
- Москва — Казань — Москва2018
- Не игрушки!? Not Toys!?2009
- Вход здесь2022
- Педагогическая поэма. Архив будущего музея истории2014
- Арт‑Механика. Премия Сергея Курёхина в области современного искусства 20152015
- Некрореализм2011
- Criti/Pop2008
- Фестиваль независимого искусства2004
- Между строк: текстуальное в визуальном2022
- Московский Арт‑Салон1995