Fashion Scandinavia: Contemporary Cool
Scandinavian furniture and architecture have long held sway in the global design sphere, and Scandinavian fashion is now gaining the same influence. The appeal lies in the simplicity, minimalism, attention to detail, and high quality of materials so iconic to Scandinavian design, as well as a commitment to sustainable and ethical production methods. Heralding a new movement in fashion, this book features over fifty notable designers from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland. These include well‑established designers at brands such as Acne, DAY Birger et Mikkelsen, and Marimekko, as well as up‑and‑coming labels such as Ann‑Sofie Back, Peter Jensen, and Soulland. From the sharp tailoring of COS and the gothic creations of Camilla Stark to the understated collections by the Icelandic sisters behind the Kalda label, all demonstrate a dedication to wearable fashion and a cool and refined style. Interviews with the designers cover training, sources of inspiration, and manufacturing methods.
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Дания, Дизайн и декоративно‑прикладное искусство, Интервью, Исландия, Мода, Норвегия, Финляндия, Фотография, Швеция
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