Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts
This book is an interdisciplinary history and theory of sound in art. Focusing on Europe in the first half of the century and the United States in the postwar years, Douglas Kahn explores aural activities in literature, music, visual arts, theater, and film. Placing aurality at the center of the history of the arts, he revisits key artistic questions, listening to the sounds that drown out the politics and poetics that generated them. Artists discussed include Antonin Artaud, George Brecht, William Burroughs, John Cage, Sergei Eisenstein, Fluxus, Allan Kaprow, Michael McClure, Yoko Ono, Jackson Pollock, Luigi Russolo, and Dziga Vertov.
Данные книги
Fluxus, Кинематограф, Литература, Музыка, Перформанс, Поэзия, США, Саунд‑арт, Театр, Футуризм
Поллок Пол Джексон, Брехт Джордж, Капроу Аллан, Оно Йоко, Руссоло Луиджи, Эйзенштейн Сергей, Берроуз Уильям, Кейдж Джон, Арто Антонен, Вертов Дзига
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