Art now. Vol. 3
Want a head start on the things you’ll be seeing in art institutions a decade down the road? Look no further than this special edition featuring highlights from Art Now 3. A to Z magazine‑style entries include captivating images of important recent work, short biographies, exhibition history and bibliographical information. Think of this tome as a global go‑round of the world’s most influential galleries: a truly invaluable, invigorating, and intense experience.
Данные книги
Шерман Синди, Тёйманс Люк, Хатум Мона, Пейтон Элизабет, Мураками Такаси, Хёрст Дэмьен, Каттелан Маурицио, Гурски Андреас, Аккерман Франц, Эррера Артуро, Дюма Марлен, Ороско Габриель, Бэнкси, Фишер Урс, Ай Вейвей, Раух Нео, Петтибон Рэймонд, Эйткен Дуг, Принс Ричард, Гупта Субодх, Тильманс Вольфганг
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- Difference/Indifference: Musings on Postmodernism, Marcel Duchamp and John Cage2013
- Speaking of Art: Four Decades of Art in Conversation2010
- Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 19721973
- Making contemporary art: How modern artists think and work2003
- New Tendencies in Art1966
- A Conspiracy of Images: Andy Warhol, Gerhard Richter, and the Art of the Cold War2013
- The Big Picture: Contemporary Art in 10 Works by 10 Artists2017
- The Found Object in Textile Art2010
- Art Unlimited?: Dynamics and Paradoxes of a Globalizing Art World2016
- How Folklore Shaped Modern Art: A Post‑Critical History of Aesthetics2016
- The Last Art College. Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1968–19782012
- Art and Feminism2012