Architecture Now! Vol. 10
From Frank O. Gehry’s shining Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris to Zaha Hadid’s curving Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, take a global tour through the architectural practice emerging today, and defining tomorrow. The best-selling series of Architecture Now! celebrates its tenth edition with more than 70 international projects arranged in a neat new format. With tabbed, thematic sections across Residential, Commercial and Public, Culture and Religion, Education and Research, and Leisure buildings, the selection celebrates contemporary architecture in its innovation, eclecticism, and adaptation to our evolving world. It profiles the work not only of “starchitects” but also of rising talents such as Tatiana Bilbao (Mexico), Sou Fujimoto (Japan), or the young team from Chile, Pezo von Ellrichshausen.
Данные книги
Архитектура, Бразилия, Великобритания, Германия, Испания, Китай, Мексика, Нидерланды, Норвегия, США, Франция, Япония
Broughton Hugh, Gaile Zaiga, Чипперфилд Дэвид, Нувель Жан, Bernardes Thiago, Андо Тадао, Peng Heneghan, Saunders Todd, Хадид Заха, Пиано Ренцо, Bilbao Tatiana, Godsell Sean, Кусама Яёи, Fujimoto Sou, Clavel-Rojo Manuel, Бан Шигеру, Arets Wiel, Гери Фрэнк, Капур Аниш, Исодзаки Арата, Колхас Рем, Мейер Ричард, Кума Кэнго
496 страниц
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720.2 Jod
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