The Art Book
A new edition in mini format. An A-Z guide to the greatest painters and sculptors from medieval to modern times, it debunks art-historical classifications by throwing together brilliant examples of all periods, schools, visions and techniques. Each artist is represented by a full-page color plate of a definitive work, accompanied by explanatory and illuminating information on the image and its creator. Glossaries of artistic movements and technical terms are included, making this a valuable work of reference as well as a feast for the eyes. By breaking with traditional classifications, The Art Book represents a fresh and original approach to art: an unparalleled visual sourcebook and a celebration of our rich and multi-faceted culture.
Данные книги
Абстрактное искусство, Живопись, Инсталляция, Сюрреализм, Фовизм, Футуризм
600 страниц
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709 Bea
- Фантастическое искусство2006
- Ключевые моменты в искусстве2018
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- Masterpieces of Western Art: A History of Art in 900 Individual Studies. From the Gothic to Neoclassicism. Volume I1996
- Body of Art2015
- Искусство авангарда в портретах его представителей в Европе и Америке2004
- Modern Art2018
- А только что небо было голубое. Тексты об искусстве2019
- The Language of Twentieth‑Century Art: a Conceptual History1997
- Современное западное искусство: ХХ век. Проблемы комплексного изучения1988
- Nordic Painting2016
- The Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms2012