Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland. Guide
In the last twenty-five years contemporary art in Scotland has grown from a tiny and tightly knit community to a globally recognized center of artistic innovation and experiment. This book provides the first comprehensive and fully illustrated guide to the art of the period. Featuring the work of more than eighty contemporary artists who first made their careers in Scotland including Turner Prize winners Douglas Gordon, Simon Starling and Martin Boyce. An accessible introduction for new audiences and a handy reference guide to the art of this period.
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Монк Джонатан, McCail Chad, Watt Alison, Pollard Alex, Wilkes Cathy, McMurdo Wendy, Flannigan Moyna, Stephenson Clare, Churm Rob, Кэмпбелл Дункан, Скаер Люси, Сворн Корин, Hammond Charlie, Lauschmann Torsten, Томпкинс Сью, Avery Charles, Гордон Дуглас, Frost Alex, Lynch Tessa, Myles Scott, Толми Кара, Маккензи Люси, Лэмби Джим, Блэк Карла, Hurrel Stephen, Борланд Кристин, Jardine Fiona, Дэвид Шригли, Swain Tony, Dordoy Alex, Redmond Mary, Fagen Graham, Старлинг Саймон, Ewan Ruth, Бойс Мартин, Rhodes Carol, Morgan Cameron, Синклер Росс, Coley Nathan, Шрег Энтони, Party Nicolas, Патерсон Тоби, Barclay Claire, Logan Owen, Dove Katy, Райт Ричард, Macintyre Lorna, Hunter Kenny, Дэвис Кейт, Донахи Жаклин
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