Under the Big Black Sun: A Personal History of L.A. Punk
Under the Big Black Sun explores the nascent Los Angeles punk rock movement and its evolution to hardcore punk as it's never been told before. Authors John Doe and Tom DeSavia have woven together an enthralling story of the legendary West Coast scene from 1977–1982 by enlisting the voices of people who were there. The book shares chapter-length tales from the authors along with personal essays from famous (and infamous) players in the scene. L.A. punk was born from rock 'n' roll, from country and blues and Latin music, the true next step in the evolution of rock 'n' roll music. It was born of art, culture, political, and economic frustration. It spoke of a Los Angeles that existed when regionalism still reigned in the USA. It sounded like Los Angeles.
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Armstrong Billy Joe (Автор вступительной статьи), Wiedlin Jane (Автор статьи), Doe John (Автор статьи), Моррис Крис (Автор статьи), DeSavia Tom (Автор статьи), Watt Mike (Автор статьи), Gehman Pleasant (Автор статьи), Rollins Henry (Автор статьи), Caffey Charlotte (Автор статьи), Alvin Dave (Автор статьи), Cervenka Exene (Автор статьи)
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