Concepts of Modern Art From Fauvism to Postmodernism
The main concepts and development of art from about 1900 to the present are analyzed in authoritative essays by some of the most distinguished art historians and critics in Britain and the United States. With Edward Lucie-Smith on Pop Art, Suzi Gablik on Minimal Art, Norbert Lynton on Expressionism, and Sarah Whitfield on Fauvism, to name a few, these scholarly essays illuminate each particular artistic movement of the century, and together form an entire history of modern art.
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Вортицизм, Дадаизм, Конструктивизм, Концептуальное искусство, Кубизм, Орфизм, Поп‑арт, Производственничество, Супрематизм, Сюрреализм, Фовизм, Футуризм, Экспрессионизм
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