Konstnaren och kulturnaringarna/ Artist and the Arts Industries
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee is today publishing an anthology entitled “Artists and the Arts Industries”, focusing on the role of the artist in the cultural and creative industries. The anthology includes contributions from well-known international and Swedish writers such as Ylva Gislen, Angela McRobbie, Kate Oakley and Klas Ostergren. In her introduction, Ingrid Elam, Dean of the Arts Grants Committee Board and editor of the anthology, summarises both the role of the artist in the cultural and creative industries from different perspectives and the relevance of the cultural economy for the artist’s situation.
Данные книги
McRobbie Angela (Автор статьи), Gislen Ylva (Автор статьи), Oakley Kate (Автор статьи), Ostergren Klas (Автор статьи)
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