Cautionary Tales: Critical Curating
“Cautionary Tales: Critical Curating” is a resource text for students and others interested in the curatorial field. It will provide reflection for both established curators as well as those just beginning to be involved in contemporary art and cultural production. Rather than invite curators to assess how their roles have changed, authors asked academics, writers and a few curators to consider how the proliferation of “cultural producers” has changed the definition, evolution, and purpose of the curator over the last ten years.
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Хики Дэйв (Автор статьи), Кэрриер Дэвид (Автор статьи), Леви Стросс Дэвид (Автор статьи), Lee Young Chul (Автор статьи), Szanto Andras (Автор статьи), Гройс Борис (Автор статьи), Аррениус Сара (Автор статьи), Мартен Жан‑Юбер (Автор статьи), Фаул Кейт (Автор статьи), Капур Гита (Автор статьи)
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