Communicating in the Third Space
Communicating in the Third Space aims to clarify Homi K. Bhabha’s theory of the third space of enunciation by reconstructing its philosophical, sociological, geographical, and political meaning with attention to the special advantages and ambiguities that arise as it is applied in practical, as well as theoretical, contexts. The idea of “third space” conceives the encounter of two distinct and unequal social groups as taking place in a special third space of enunciation where culture is disseminated and displaced from the interacting groups, making way for the invention of a hybrid identity, whereby these two groups conceive themselves to partake in a common identity relating to shared space and common dialogue.
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Глобализация, Политология, Постколониальные исследования, Философия
Young Robert J.C. (Автор статьи), Ikas Karin (Автор статьи), Lossau Julia (Автор статьи), Soja Edward W. (Автор статьи), Schulze-Engler Frank (Автор статьи), Kalscheuer Britta (Автор статьи), Wagner Gerhard (Автор статьи), Ashcroft Bill (Автор статьи), Beck Ulrich (Автор статьи), Бхабха Хоми (Автор статьи)
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