Lee Friedlander: The Little Screens
This book provides an in‑depth discussion of “The Little Screens” (1963-69), a series of photographs by Lee Friedlander that shows television screens broadcasting glowing images of faces and figures into unoccupied rooms in homes and motels across America. Saul Anton argues that this project marked the historical intersection of modern art and photography at the moment when television came into its own as the dominant medium of mass culture. Friedlander's images, Anton shows, reflect the competing logics of the museum and print and electronic media, and anticipate the issues that have emerged with the transition to a world of ubiquitous “little screens”.
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Искусствознание и арт-критика, Массовая культура, Медиа‑арт, Минимализм, Модернизм, США, Телевидение, Философия, Фотография
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