How to Start and Run a Commercial Art Gallery
Edward Winkleman and Patton Hindle in this new edition draw on their years of experience to explain step by step how to start your new venture. From finding the ideal locale and renovating the space to writing business plans and securing start-up capital, this helpful guide has it all. Chapters detail how to: Manage cash flow Grow your new business Hire and manage staff Attract and retain artists and clients Represent your artists Promote your gallery and artists online Select the right art fair And more How to Start and Run a Commercial Art Gallery, Second Edition, also includes sample forms, helpful tips from veteran collectors and dealers, a large section on art fairs, and a directory of art dealer associations.
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Галерейное дело, Искусствознание и арт-критика, Менеджмент культуры, Музейное дело
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