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- ID. Art: Tech Exhibition2019
- The Agent in Love2021
- Understandable Art/ Понятное искусство1993
- Фестиваль независимого искусства2004
- Retrospektive Vjatscheslav Kolejtschuk 1965–19901991
- Russia Next Door. Art Installations from Kaliningrad2011
- Textil in Moskau und St. Petersburg1992
- Pavel Pepperstein. From Mordor with Love2010
- William Morris and his Palace of Art: Architecture, Interiors and Design at Red House2018
- The Brotherhood of New Blockheads (1996–2002)2019
- KIAF 2015 / Art Seoul2015
- Veilleurs du monde. Gbedji Kpontole: une aventure beninoise2000