New London Architecture 2
Following the tremendous success of Merrell's “New London Architecture”, the second volume presents an entirely new selection of the most exciting building projects of the twenty‑first century in London. The architectural renaissance of Britain's capital continues in the new millennium with the design and construction of ever more striking and imaginative buildings of all types to serve the needs of the city's population. Projects range in size and budget from such landmark structures as Wembley Stadium and the forthcoming 'Shard of Glass' (London Bridge Tower) to such cultural projects as the Young Vic theatre and Britain's first architecture gallery, near Tate Modern; from offices, schools and hospitals to shops, hotels and private houses. With stunning photographs, drawings and renderings accompanying critical texts, this book offers a compelling portrait of a city eager to embrace the best of the new. “New London Architecture” profiles over 110 new architectural projects, both large and small providing an essential reference for anyone interested in the changing urban landscape of one of the world's most vibrant cities.
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Архитектура, Великобритания, Дизайн и декоративно‑прикладное искусство, Локальный контекст
240 страниц
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