A Cultural History of Disability in Antiquity
The first volume of “A Cultural History of Disability” is devoted to disability in Antiquity. Though there was not even a word for, or a concept of, disability in Antiquity, a considerable part of the population experienced physical or mental conditions that put them at a disadvantage. Drawing on a wide variety of sources, from literary texts and legal sources to archaeological and iconographical evidence as well as comparative anthropology, this volume uniquely examines contexts and conditions of disability in the ancient world. An essential resource for researchers, scholars and students of history, literature, culture and education, “A Cultural History of Disability in Antiquity” explores such themes and topics as: atypical bodies; mobility impairment; chronic pain and illness; blindness; deafness; speech; learning difficulties; and mental health.
Данные книги
Лас Кристиан (Автор вступительной статьи), Зюрхаке Лаурин (Автор статьи), Адамс Элен (Автор статьи), Казинс Эбигейл (Автор статьи), Грэхэм Эмма‑Джейн (Автор статьи), Юскан Каролин (Автор статьи), Келленбергер Эдгар (Автор статьи), Крушвиц Питер (Автор статьи), Тонер Джерри (Автор статьи), Ван ден Абеле Фредерик (Автор статьи)
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