Occidentalism: Modernity and Subjectivity
This important book critically examines the “becoming West” of Europe and explores the “becoming Modern” of the world. Drawing on the work of Derrida, Foucault, Levin, Lyotard, Merleau-Ponty and Ricoeur, the book suggests that the question of postmodernism is inseparable from the question of postcoloniality, which has become a central theme in modern social science and cultural studies. This book informs readers about the main areas of discussion and introduces many new ideas that will become a rich foundation for other authors and researchers.
Данные книги
Постколониальные исследования, Постструктурализм, Структурализм, Философия
Деррида Жак, Фуко Мишель, Лиотар Жан‑Франсуа, Мерло‑Понти Морис, Левинас Эммануэль, Рикёр Поль
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