Museum Studies: An Anthology of Contexts
The explosive popularity of museums has made museum studies one of the most productive and exciting intellectual and pedagogical sites for historians and art historians, anthropologists, archaeologists, and critical theorists. Museum Studies: An Anthology of Contexts provides a comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of approaches to museums and their relation to history, culture, philosophy, and their adoring or combative publics. An indispensable text for teaching museum studies in today's classroom, Museum Studies brings together for the first time a wide array of texts that mix contemporary analysis with classic, historical documentation. Offering encyclopedic coverage of the issues critical to the rise and role of the museum — history and development; relation to society; the ethics of classification, exhibition, and exclusion; the representation of cultures; property and ownership; the poetics of display; material culture and historical documentation; tradition, innovation, and self-reflexivity in museum practice — this is the most comprehensive and ambitious volume available on museum studies.The Anthology opens with an introductory essay that provides vital background and situates museum studies in a truly interdisciplinary context. Each section includes an opening essay that guides the reader through the selections while the volume's bibliography provides a list of resources devoted to museum studies.
Данные книги
Schlereth Thomas J. (Автор статьи), Friman Alice (Автор статьи), Wolff Janet (Автор статьи), Hooper-Greenhill Eilean (Автор статьи), Батай Жорж (Автор статьи), Boas Franz (Автор статьи), Bouquet Mary (Автор статьи), Balfour Henry (Автор статьи), Базен Жермен (Автор статьи), Duncan Carol (Автор статьи), Хартни Элеонора (Автор статьи), Preziosi Donald (Автор статьи), Kirshenblatt-Gimblett Barbara (Автор статьи), Хадсон Кеннет (Автор статьи), Фентон Джеймс (Автор статьи), Kennedy Roger G. (Автор статьи), Wallach Alan (Автор статьи), Lionnet Francois (Автор статьи), Ле Корбюзье (Автор статьи), Findlen Paula (Автор статьи), Greenblatt Stephen (Автор статьи), Looby Christopher (Автор статьи), Porter Gaby (Автор статьи), Бергер Морис (Автор статьи)
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