Catherine Opie
Long awaited, the first survey of the work of one of America's foremost contemporary fine art photographers For almost 40 years, Catherine Opie has been documenting with psychological acuity the cultural and geographic identity of contemporary America. This unique artist monograph presents a compelling visual narrative of Opie's work since the early 1980s, pairing images across bodies of work to form a full picture of her artistic vision. With more than 300 beautiful illustrations and made in close collaboration with Opie, the book marks a turning point in the consideration of this artist's work to date.
Данные книги
Коттон Шарлотта (Автор статьи), Фогл Дуглас (Автор статьи), Элс Хилтон (Автор статьи), Молсуорт Хелен (Автор статьи), Смит Элизабет А. Т. (Автор статьи)
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