The Curator's Handbook
The Curators Handbook is the practical handbook for curators and curatorial students, mapping out every stage of the exhibition-making process from initial idea to final installation.
An introduction explores curatorial work from its origins in the seventeenth century onward and outlines the various roles of the curator today. Twelve chapters then trace the various stages of the exhibition process in clear, informative language and using helpful diagrams and tables, from developing the concept to writing contracts and loan requests; putting together budgets and schedules; producing exhibition catalogues and interpretation materials; designing gallery spaces; working with artists, lenders, and art handlers; organizing private views; and documenting and evaluating a show.
With advice and tips from a cast of international museum directors and curators, including Daniel Birnbaum, Aric Chen, Elizabeth Macgregor, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Gao Peng, Jennifer Russell and Nicholas Serota ― this volume is a crucial guide for anyone involved in, or studying, the dynamic field of curation.
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Рассел Дженнифер (Автор статьи), Обрист Ханс Ульрих (Автор статьи), Чэнь Арик (Автор статьи), Макгрегор Элизабет Энн (Автор статьи), Серота Николас (Автор статьи), Гао Панг (Автор статьи), Бирнбаум Даниэль (Автор статьи)
Соединённые Штаты Америки
320 страниц
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